Sports Fields

The City of Turlock Parks, Recreation and Public Facilities Department have two facilities available for rentals for practice games or tournament play.
Pedretti Park is available for baseball or softball rentals, while Gemperle Fields at Turlock Regional Sports Complex is available for both soccer and softball rentals.
Rental of the sports fields can be made year round. All rentals must complete rental packet and return to the Parks, Recreation office.
Rentals vary depending on youth and adult programs. Extra fees may apply for incidentals such as field preps and light usage. The office is open Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM except for Holidays.

Pedretti Sports Fields
2400 Tegner RoadFields: 5
Pedretti Park is one of the finest softball facilities in the Central Valley, with 4 softball fields and 1 baseball diamond. Fields are available for rent and use for tournaments. Pedretti Park is conveniently located just off Hwy. 99.
Pedretti Sports Complex Rules/Rates Packet
Check Availability of Pedretti Park fields

Turlock Regional Sports Complex (Gemperle Fields)
MapFields: 9
Turlock Regional Sports Complex is one of the best sports facilities in the valley. With 10 soccer fields and 2 softball diamonds, these fields are perfect for tournament rentals. The sports complex is located just off Hwy. 99.
Regional Sports Complex Rules/Rates Packet
Check Availability of Turlock Regional Sports Complex